When is the best time to do yoga? The most common and probably proper answer is: the very best time to practice yoga is first thing in the morning before breakfast. Upon waking, empty the bowels, shower if you wish, then commence the day with your practice of yoga. The second most conductive time is early evening, around sunset. Always finish with one of the relaxation asana, no matter what time of the day or season you practice. Do not just jump out from the mat to the daily routine, give first few minutes to your body to absorb the benefits from the practice and prepare for the outside world.
Yoga is amazing—even if you only practice for one hour a week, you will experience the benefits of the practice. If you can do more than that, you will certainly experience more benefits. Starting with two or three times a week, for an hour or an hour and a half each time, try to include along with the asanas some breathing exercise, few minutes meditation, chanting a mantra 2-3 times, using some of the mudras in one or another moment. Each of these elements benefits us in a different level, which makes the practice fulfilling in all our aspects of body, mind and spirit.
Other common option is doing yoga every day but for short time. Adding a few yoga poses to your daily routine can make you an emotionally stronger and happier person. Practicing regular yoga and meditation results in higher serotonin levels (the hormone of happiness). Just 15 minutes of yoga a day can change your brain chemistry and improve your mood.
Drink at least 1 glass of water 30 minutes before class. If you are attending an evening class, try to drink 1.5l-2l throughout the day prior to your class. If morning yoga is your thing, drink a glass of water before class. In the morning glass of warm water with lemon is extremely beneficial for your body (helps with pH balance, dental health, digestion, fight infections, weight loss, detox the body, etc.) Yoga in the evening should include gentle practices in the end such as Yoga Nidra, meditation and basic pranayama is good so you can get quality sleep/break, the mind and body can get proper rest. If done before bedtime, yoga can not only prepare us for some shut-eye physically but also mentally. Doing yoga before bedtime will help relax the body and stop the mind-chatter. In order for our body to relax to sleeping level, we need to shift our mind to a state of calm. Stretching before bed is a natural way to support better sleep. Connecting your body to your breath is one of the best ways to tune out from the stresses of your day and relax. Gentle stretches help relieve muscle tension and support a mindful awareness. You can practice yoga in the afternoon also but your stomach should be empty while practicing.
Do not eat any heavy meals less than three hours before the yoga practice. It is recommended not to drink for 15 minutes and eat for half an hour after the yoga practice to let the body calm down again. Don't practice yoga in an unclean place and avoid smoky place and areas with uncouth smells. You shouldn't shower immediately after doing yoga. A hot shower draws your blood from the glands and internal organs of your body to the surface of the skin. It also drains away essential energy that was built in your body during the yoga routine. Coffee is no recommended, caffeine triggers stress reaction in our body like an increased heart rate and muscle tension, which make difficult to focus on and enjoy our practice.
Every time of the day and any type of yoga has its beauty and benefits. Choose the time and practice that suits you best today, always keep space and time to try new things, to add new elements, to expand your knowledge and experience in this vast journey of yoga as a way of life.
Enjoy and Practice, no matter what !
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