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The Five Tibetans. The Foundation of Youth

Photo du rédacteur: DeyanaGeorgievaDeyanaGeorgieva

Dernière mise à jour : 20 mars 2020

The Five Tibetans or the Fountain of Youth exercises as they are often referred to, are considered to be over 2,500 years old. Simple and energizing sequence takes approximately 10-15 minutes.

Benefits :

- detoxification

- balance the chakras

- reverse the aging process

- better sleep

- enhance memory

- emotional and mental health

- relief from joint pain and arthritis

- improved strength and coordination.

Remember your breath is the key to every movement in yoga. Move with your breath, inhaling on the exertion and exhaling on the release. Also there are variations or modifications to each of the poses that will make every body able to complete these exercises in some form. If you have specific health issues first get consultation.

The Five Tibetans are practiced 21 times each for ultimate results, start gently with 10-12 times each (or less if you need), adding gradually more repetitions.

Tibetan 1: stand up, stretch the arms to the side, palms facing downward, fingers together. Keep this position and spin full circle anticlockwise, turn head to the left (the direction of spinning). This counts for one, start with comfortable number of repetitions, the goal is to reach 21, but take your time.

When you finish the repetitions, stand up with hands on the hips and feet together. Take 2 full deep breaths, exhaling trough the month.

Tibetan 2: lay down on your back, legs extended, ankles flexed, palms flat on the floor. With the inhalation lift the legs and raise the head (tuck the chin into the chest). Release with the exhalation. During all the movements the lower back remains flat on the ground.

When you finish the repetitions, stand up with hand on the hips and feet together. Take 2 full deep breaths, exhaling trough the month.

Tibetan 3: kneel with toes tucked in. Knees are shoulder distance, palms against the back of the tights, spine straight, chin to chest. Inhale arching back from the waist, gently drop the head back, exhale and come back.

When you finish the repetitions, stand up with hand on the hips and feet together. Take 2 full deep breaths, exhaling trough the month.

Tibetan 4: site in Staff pose - Dandasana (keep chin to chest), lift to Table pose (Bharmanasana).

When you finish the repetitions, stand up with hand on the hips and feet together. Take 2 full deep breaths, exhaling trough the month.

Tibetan 5: start in Upward Facing Dog (Urdhva Mukha Shvanasana) transfer to Downward Facing Dog (Adho Mukha Shvanasana).

When you finish the repetitions, stand up with hand on the hips and feet together. Take 2 full deep breaths, exhaling trough the month.

Finish by laying down in Shavasana (Corpse pose) for some minutes. This allows to relax and calm down the breath and the blood circulation, as well to give a moment to the body to absorb the benefits from the sequence.

If you would like to read more about the Tibetans, check "The Five Tibetans" by Christopher Kilham. He is an author, educator, and world-traveler, researching and promoting plant-based medicines.

Enjoy and try something different!

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