The movie "Shelter" takes place in the Swiss and French Alps. Story about five adventurers and their passion for the world's most beautiful summits and the liberty to ride them. Magical scenery which take your breath and feed your soul...
"During the Age of Enlightenment, the fascination become so strong researchers ended up strolling around and simply enjoying the beauty of it all...
The human kind tamed the most hostile peaks, which became witnesses to change and the advancement of humankind...Humanity recognizes the fragile balance that surrounds it. Industrialisation is reaching for the sky with ever-larger factories...
The countdown has started...
In the shelter, the essential become clear: warmth, nourishment and rest. Using the strict minimum, disconnected from all that is unnecessary...
The meal is simple, but in this atmosphere, far from everything, it's like having a feast in a palace. The splendors of the summits only offer themselves to those who take the time to let themselves be tamed and find happiness in this pleasing simplicity..." makes me think how we as a humankind, part of the nature, end up so far from it. Running downhill, leaded by our cravings, would we be the reason for destruction of this splendid beauty and the fragile balance, we depend on ?
Or we will open our eyes to see what is really important and return to the simplicity of our existence as a part of the nature, finding the balance of what we take and what we give to it, finding the happiness in doing more good than harm?!