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Yoga at Home or in a Studio ?!

Photo du rédacteur: DeyanaGeorgievaDeyanaGeorgieva

Dernière mise à jour : 20 mars 2020

Yoga is the method of self-knowledge, attend by practicing and progressing trough the different levels in each aspect - mind, body, soul. It is 95% practice and 5% theory. It is very important these 5% to be from proper and knowledgeable resources - good yoga teachers, books or videos about yoga from trustworthy yogis. Nowadays is easy to check many different options that exist with comments, reviews and opinions from people already tried them in order to make the best choice for ourselves, that suits our personality and goals.

To do at home or go to yoga classes? Question that has as many answers as many practitioners and each of them has the point. Of course combination of the both seems the best and most rational way. It is good to begin our yoga journey with a teacher that can show us the proper alignment, breathing, structuring a sequence and to guide us till reaching a stable level where we can keep improving our practice by ourselves and learning more and more about this vast subject - yoga, which for many people becomes a way of life. That's make it so important to bring the practice at home, doesn't matter how good is the teacher if we do it always just in the studio, it will stay as an external activity, for sure beneficial one but external. Doing the practice by ourselves makes it part of us, where we decide how and when, it brings us as well the responsibility of doing it well, making us more aware of each movement and breath.

It doesn't matter in which level we are, there are always so much more to be learnt (the beauty of yoga), that's make it important to continue trying different teachers, different styles, different communities, studios, yoga channels or books as a resource of knowledge and getting different points of view on this amazing journey. Sometimes could be difficult and confusing (especially with the enormous variety of resources today), what it worked for someone doesn't mean it will work in the same way for us. But we always have to remember how important is not to get lost in the theory but to benefit from the other 95% - the practice.

The practice will calm us down, will make our body and mind more responsive and aware, and will allowed us to hear our inner guru. That's the goal of any external source and help, to bring us to a state of consciousness where we can hear what teaches us. We need the class to learn the theory, we need the practice to prepare our body and mind, but just when we master the silence will be able to hear our inner guru/voice/heart talking to us. At that point probably we won't need anything else, but this point by itself is a life time goal, requiring constant practice and learning. The best part is that actually the all process makes us feeling better and happier every single day, it's not just reaching the final goal, but every step on this way consist part of happiness and satisfaction.

Enjoy and continue your journey !

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