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Yoga Inspiration

Photo du rédacteur: DeyanaGeorgievaDeyanaGeorgieva

Dernière mise à jour : 20 mars 2020

Everyone could benefit from yoga, if they had the desire, enthusiasm and persistence. That's actually relevant pretty much for any situation in our life. Get the mat, step on it and start your practice, the rest will come...get a decision, stand up and go for it, the rest will come. And every day dedicate time to your practice, dedicate time to work in the direction of your dream. Just like that you can get to a point to do any asana, get to a point to make your dreams come true...and after, after is easy - you just live the dream, enjoying happy and fulfilling life.

Being persistent in your practice, you will notice how different are the days when you did your daily one from the days you didn't - your mood, your attitude, the reality around, you...everything seems somehow out of balance. The daily practice is not just about the stretching, the results, the health, but as well it talks to each of us in a special language, in a very personal level, that somehow makes everything around to seem brighter, makes us to live trough our day more calm and happy, to understand the people better and to accept their behaviour, without to get neither flattered, either offended.

Enjoy a beautiful day !








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